Who Are We

Movio Town is a featured film location which is extremely private and gated estate showcasing indoor/outdoor within 24,000 square meters. Situated in a very convenient location (Phutthamonthon Sai 4) which is approximately 30 kilometers from Bangkok, these stunning private properties can support the narrative and help to create a believable world. Now it is ready to host film production.

Our featured film location for rent is a problem-solving solution for location managers or teams of filmmakers who facing lots of problems looking for film locations which are either difficult to find, too expensive, not enough facility for shooting, no parking space for production team, a busy public place, a location owner cancelled on a last minute.

We utilize 6,000 square wahs to build up real places to serve as the real locations described in a film’s screenplay. In fact, shooting project all in few places is ideal, so we constructed 13 detached buildings with various types of architecture and interior that were designed specifically for the various purposes of filmmaking. We also offer infrastructure and services necessary for filming, such as parking spaces, multipurpose dining areas, clean restrooms, dressing rooms, and power outlets. Our film-ready set 13 buildings can accommodate the production of films, TV series, advertisements, music videos, documentaries, game shows, social media content, still photography and more.


NamPetchKJ - คำตอบคือเธอ (My answer is you) [OFFICIAL MV]
Carrier -  เมื่อ 120 ก่อน ‘โลกเปลี่ยน’ ด้วย Willis Carrier
 Rock Mountain Soda - เล่า... ลื่น… โซดา ร็อค เมาเท็น
foodpanda Philippines - We Gotchu This Christmas!
ดา x ไมค์ -NESCAFÉ สู้เต็มเหนี่ยว
Movio Town Co., Ltd.

89/39 Mu 1, Bang Krathuek,
Sam Phran District,
Nakhon Pathom 73210info@moviotown.com